1、Note:1. Employed persons in urban state-owned, collective owned and other units is number of staff and workers before 2000.───注:1.2000年以前的“城镇国有、集体、其他单位从业人员”为职工人数;
2、Finally, it is important to note that untraded interdependencies can not only facilitate effective collective learning and action but also impede it.───最后,值得一提的,非贸易相互依赖性虽然可以加强有效的集体 学习和行动,但同时也会造成阻碍。
collective note(意思翻译)
collective note(相似词语短语)
1、collective nouns───集合名词;集体名词;n.集合名词( collective noun的名词复数 )
2、anest collective───anest集合
3、helmsman collective───舵手集体
4、collective action───集体行动;集体行为
5、camber collective───曲面集合
8、collective agreement───集体协议;工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议
9、erba collective───集体草
collective note(双语使用场景)
1、Note:1. Employed persons in urban state-owned, collective owned and other units is number of staff and workers before 2000.───注:1.2000年以前的“城镇国有、集体、其他单位从业人员”为职工人数;
2、Finally, it is important to note that untraded interdependencies can not only facilitate effective collective learning and action but also impede it.───最后,值得一提的,非贸易相互依赖性虽然可以加强有效的集体 学习和行动,但同时也会造成阻碍。