1、Create business partner code in sap system according to the application form.───根据申请单在SAPXiTong里创建业务伙伴代码。
2、trading partner in the supply chain must be able to provide a pedigree based on an EPC that contains a certain national drug code (NDC).───供应链中的商业伙伴必须能够提供基于EPC的来源信息,包括确定的国家药品编码(NDC)。
3、One working theory is that IBM would potentially buy Sun and sell the hardware business to Fujitsu, a close partner of Sun. IBM could license Solaris, since it would own the code, to Fujitsu.───一个可行理论是, IBM可能会收购Sun并把硬件ChuShou给Sun的紧密合作伙伴FuShi通 (Sun O E M Fu Shi),IBM然后将SolarisCao作XiTong许可给FuShi通,由于IBM拥有代码。
4、VB Migration Partner was the best, the chunk of code being migrated, compiled and ready to run in 2.5 hours.───VB移植搭档是最好的工具,代码块的移植、编译和运行总共只需25小时。
partner code(意思翻译)
partner code(相似词语短语)
1、partner subway───合作伙伴地铁
3、PARTNER INC───合伙人公司
4、sleeping partner───[经]匿名合伙人;不参与实际业务的股东;n.不参与具体经营的合伙人,隐名合伙人
5、coupling partner───联轴器合伙人
6、life partner───n.生活伴侣
7、body partner───合作伙伴
8、team partner───团队合作伙伴
9、partner commanders───伙伴指挥官
partner code(双语使用场景)
1、Create business partner code in sap system according to the application form.───根据申请单在SAPXiTong里创建业务伙伴代码。
2、trading partner in the supply chain must be able to provide a pedigree based on an EPC that contains a certain national drug code (NDC).───供应链中的商业伙伴必须能够提供基于EPC的来源信息,包括确定的国家药品编码(NDC)。
3、One working theory is that IBM would potentially buy Sun and sell the hardware business to Fujitsu, a close partner of Sun. IBM could license Solaris, since it would own the code, to Fujitsu.───一个可行理论是, IBM可能会收购Sun并把硬件ChuShou给Sun的紧密合作伙伴FuShi通 (Sun O E M Fu Shi),IBM然后将SolarisCao作XiTong许可给FuShi通,由于IBM拥有代码。
4、VB Migration Partner was the best, the chunk of code being migrated, compiled and ready to run in 2.5 hours.───VB移植搭档是最好的工具,代码块的移植、编译和运行总共只需25小时。