1、Besides the exclusive economic zone, the emergence of the regime of archipelagic States also reflects the result of such a compromise.───具体制度上,除了专属经济区之外,另一个可以体现此种妥协结果的产物即为群岛国制度。
2、The surface has been the emergence of old age acne, it touches you can wash your hands, a little hard, you can out of old age acne.───至于表面已经是出现白头的FenCi,倒是可以把手洗干净,稍加用力,即可挤出白头FenCi。
3、The solution must be found elsewhere: in a growth-oriented policy that encourages emergence of a more diversified economy.───我们必须从其它方面寻找解决方案:实施以增长为导向的政策,鼓励经济的进一步多元化。
4、This was compounded by the emergence of what became known as the British budget problem.───我们现在所知的英国预算问题恰好在这时出现,使情况更加复杂。
5、is difficult to isolate the factors that led to the next development—the emergence of urban settlements.───进一步发展,即城市聚居点出现的诸多因素,是很难孤立出来看待的。
6、Many insect lovers are going out to parks to observe what scientists believe to be the largest emergence of an insect group in history.───许多昆虫爱好者正纷纷前往公园,观察这种被科学家认为是历史上出现的最大规模的昆虫群体。
7、We saw the emergence of flight search engines such as Kayak and Skyscanner.───我们看到了诸如 Kayak 和 Skyscanner 这些航班搜索引擎的出现。
8、What is the custom and usage in this emergence?───这里出现的习俗和用法是什么?
9、It was very dry during 2009 and 2010 was very wet, allowing her to get a sense of how the climate affected emergence time.───2009年很干燥,而2010年很湿润,这将让他了解气候是如何影响蝙蝠出洞的时间的。
1、The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.
1、Besides the exclusive economic zone, the emergence of the regime of archipelagic States also reflects the result of such a compromise.───具体制度上,除了专属经济区之外,另一个可以体现此种妥协结果的产物即为群岛国制度。
2、The surface has been the emergence of old age acne, it touches you can wash your hands, a little hard, you can out of old age acne.───至于表面已经是出现白头的FenCi,倒是可以把手洗干净,稍加用力,即可挤出白头FenCi。
3、The solution must be found elsewhere: in a growth-oriented policy that encourages emergence of a more diversified economy.───我们必须从其它方面寻找解决方案:实施以增长为导向的政策,鼓励经济的进一步多元化。
4、This was compounded by the emergence of what became known as the British budget problem.───我们现在所知的英国预算问题恰好在这时出现,使情况更加复杂。
5、is difficult to isolate the factors that led to the next development—the emergence of urban settlements.───进一步发展,即城市聚居点出现的诸多因素,是很难孤立出来看待的。
6、Many insect lovers are going out to parks to observe what scientists believe to be the largest emergence of an insect group in history.───许多昆虫爱好者正纷纷前往公园,观察这种被科学家认为是历史上出现的最大规模的昆虫群体。
7、We saw the emergence of flight search engines such as Kayak and Skyscanner.───我们看到了诸如 Kayak 和 Skyscanner 这些航班搜索引擎的出现。
8、What is the custom and usage in this emergence?───这里出现的习俗和用法是什么?
9、It was very dry during 2009 and 2010 was very wet, allowing her to get a sense of how the climate affected emergence time.───2009年很干燥,而2010年很湿润,这将让他了解气候是如何影响蝙蝠出洞的时间的。
1、The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.