1、They also like the 4-color device's optional fifth printing unit, which enables value-added coating, glossing and spot color.───他们还像四色设备的任择第五届印刷单位,使增值涂层,美化和专色。
2、Use business card printing unit fingerprint business card printing is a faster return on investment.───用制卡机来举动指纹制卡是一项回报比力迟的投资。
4、The printing device is also provided with a base, a sheet-feeding unit and a printing unit; and the base is provided with an opening.───该打印装置还装设有底座、送纸单元及打印单元,该底座具有开口。
5、If you do not cool hot stamping, this business card printing unit still can be used as normal business card printing unit.───如果不举行寒烫印,这个制卡单位还来可以息为变态的制卡单位搁置。
6、Imprinting unit An auxiliary printing unit on a press intended for the addition of patches or small areas of additional information.───戳印单位印刷机上的补充印刷单位。专为加印或补印小面积的附加资料而设。
7、Printing unit employs rail sliding, pneumatic locking, manual switch and convenient adjustment.───印刷部采用轨道滑行、气动锁紧、手动开合、轻便调校。
8、The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million.───电子与印刷部有约八千万美元的年度销售额。
9、No printing unit may undertake the printing of unapproved facsimiles of stamp patterns or matters similar to postage stamps.───印刷单位不得承印未经批准的仿印邮票图案和与邮票相似的印件。
printing unit(意思翻译)
printing unit(相似词语短语)
1、stencil printing───[印刷]丝网印刷术
2、bichromate printing───重铬酸盐印刷
4、offset printing───橡皮版印刷,胶印; 胶版印刷;[印刷]胶印,平版印刷;[印刷]胶版印刷;平板印刷
5、letterpress printing───[印刷]凸版印刷;铅印;凸版印刷; 铅印
6、printing machines───n.印刷机
7、duplex printing unit───双面打印装置
9、printing plate───印刷版; 印版;印刷板
printing unit(双语使用场景)
1、They also like the 4-color device's optional fifth printing unit, which enables value-added coating, glossing and spot color.───他们还像四色设备的任择第五届印刷单位,使增值涂层,美化和专色。
2、Use business card printing unit fingerprint business card printing is a faster return on investment.───用制卡机来举动指纹制卡是一项回报比力迟的投资。
3、CAD module design may combine willfully, list, pair, polychrome printing unit.───CAD模块设计可任意组合,单、双、多色印刷机组。
4、The printing device is also provided with a base, a sheet-feeding unit and a printing unit; and the base is provided with an opening.───该打印装置还装设有底座、送纸单元及打印单元,该底座具有开口。
5、If you do not cool hot stamping, this business card printing unit still can be used as normal business card printing unit.───如果不举行寒烫印,这个制卡单位还来可以息为变态的制卡单位搁置。
6、Imprinting unit An auxiliary printing unit on a press intended for the addition of patches or small areas of additional information.───戳印单位印刷机上的补充印刷单位。专为加印或补印小面积的附加资料而设。
7、Printing unit employs rail sliding, pneumatic locking, manual switch and convenient adjustment.───印刷部采用轨道滑行、气动锁紧、手动开合、轻便调校。
8、The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million.───电子与印刷部有约八千万美元的年度销售额。
9、No printing unit may undertake the printing of unapproved facsimiles of stamp patterns or matters similar to postage stamps.───印刷单位不得承印未经批准的仿印邮票图案和与邮票相似的印件。