acoustical tile(意思翻译)
acoustical tile(相似词语短语)
1、encaustic tile───琉璃瓦;烧彩砖瓦;烧彩砖瓦,玻璃砖(瓦)
3、acoustical paint───隔音漆
4、backsplash tile───后挡板瓷砖
5、acoustical sealants───隔音密封剂
6、acoustical materials───吸音材料;音响材料
7、alnus tile───桤木
8、acoustical solutions───声学解决方案
acoustical tile(双语使用场景)
1、Standard Test Methods for Strength Properties of Prefabricated Architectural Acoustical Tile or Lay-In Ceiling Panels───预制建筑用隔音材料和镶入的天花板的强度的试验方法
2、Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels───吸音瓦及铺设顶棚镶板用金属天花板悬吊装置的安装实施规程
3、Standard Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels───吸音瓦及铺设顶棚镶板用金属悬吊装置的安装
4、For example, acoustical tile on a ceiling serves to reduce the propagation of sound.───比如,顶棚上安装吸音板就有助于减少声音的传播。
acoustical tile(意思翻译)
acoustical tile(相似词语短语)
1、encaustic tile───琉璃瓦;烧彩砖瓦;烧彩砖瓦,玻璃砖(瓦)
3、acoustical paint───隔音漆
4、backsplash tile───后挡板瓷砖
5、acoustical sealants───隔音密封剂
6、acoustical materials───吸音材料;音响材料
7、alnus tile───桤木
8、acoustical solutions───声学解决方案
acoustical tile(双语使用场景)
1、Standard Test Methods for Strength Properties of Prefabricated Architectural Acoustical Tile or Lay-In Ceiling Panels───预制建筑用隔音材料和镶入的天花板的强度的试验方法
2、Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels───吸音瓦及铺设顶棚镶板用金属天花板悬吊装置的安装实施规程
3、Standard Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels───吸音瓦及铺设顶棚镶板用金属悬吊装置的安装
4、For example, acoustical tile on a ceiling serves to reduce the propagation of sound.───比如,顶棚上安装吸音板就有助于减少声音的传播。