1、I don t want her to know that I have a crush on her. She might not even like me.───我也不想让她知道我对她有好感。她可能根本不喜欢我。
2、Conclusions t pa and pai 1 not only participate in the pathophysiological changes of peripheral nerves after crush injury, but have some effects on peripheral nerve repair as well.───结论t PA和PAI 1参与周围神经挤压伤后的病理生理改变,在损伤神经修复过程中具有一定的作用。
3、Ive had a crush on him since freshman year. Four years later, I still didnt have the courage to tell him. Such regret!───我刚进大学就喜欢一个学长,但没有勇气去和他说我喜欢他四年了!真是太遗憾了!
crush t(意思翻译)
crush t(相似词语短语)
1、crush u───压碎u
2、lnstant crush───LNSTANT压缩
3、crush out───vt.榨出;熄灭,扑灭;扑灭,熄灭
5、caliginous crush───粗碎
6、feet crush───脚挤压
7、the crush───迷恋
8、crush into───把…压(碾)成;将...塞入(狭小的空间内);把…挤入;把…压成,使…挤入; 压服
9、mention crush───提到暗恋
crush t(双语使用场景)
1、I don t want her to know that I have a crush on her. She might not even like me.───我也不想让她知道我对她有好感。她可能根本不喜欢我。
2、Conclusions t pa and pai 1 not only participate in the pathophysiological changes of peripheral nerves after crush injury, but have some effects on peripheral nerve repair as well.───结论t PA和PAI 1参与周围神经挤压伤后的病理生理改变,在损伤神经修复过程中具有一定的作用。
3、Ive had a crush on him since freshman year. Four years later, I still didnt have the courage to tell him. Such regret!───我刚进大学就喜欢一个学长,但没有勇气去和他说我喜欢他四年了!真是太遗憾了!