1、Investigation on Boundary Layer Prediction Models Near Head Wall in Cylinder of Diesel Engine───柴油机缸内近气缸盖壁面边界层预测模型的研究
2、village sewer both light and shade, five feet wide stone road, anti-thief with the upper and lower gates and horse head wall are typical Huizhou architectural style.───村中下水道明暗兼有,五尺宽石板道路,防盗贼用的上下闸门及马头墙均为典型的徽派建筑式样。
3、The eastern wall appears to be an inchworm's head, lifted straight up as if measure something.───东墙似乎是一只尺蠖的头,笔直地向上翘着,好像在测量什么东西。
4、The original house was built in the middle of horse head wall, both for the fire, but also played a solid role.───原来此屋的中间分别筑有马头墙,既为了防火,又起到了稳固之作用。
head wall(意思翻译)
head wall(相似词语短语)
2、diathermic wall───绝热壁
3、exploded wall───爆炸墙
4、wall art───n.(Wallart)人名;(法)瓦拉尔
5、head head───头颅
6、bashing your head against the wall───把头撞在墙上
7、wall to wall───遍地皆是
8、head───n.头;头痛;上端;领袖,首领;最前的部分;理解力;vi.出发;成头状物;船驶往;adj.头的;主要的;在顶端的;n. (Head)(英)黑德(人名);vt.前进;用头顶;作为……的首领;站在…的前头;给……加标题
9、party wall to wall───一墙之隔的聚会
head wall(双语使用场景)
1、Investigation on Boundary Layer Prediction Models Near Head Wall in Cylinder of Diesel Engine───柴油机缸内近气缸盖壁面边界层预测模型的研究
2、village sewer both light and shade, five feet wide stone road, anti-thief with the upper and lower gates and horse head wall are typical Huizhou architectural style.───村中下水道明暗兼有,五尺宽石板道路,防盗贼用的上下闸门及马头墙均为典型的徽派建筑式样。
3、The eastern wall appears to be an inchworm's head, lifted straight up as if measure something.───东墙似乎是一只尺蠖的头,笔直地向上翘着,好像在测量什么东西。
4、The original house was built in the middle of horse head wall, both for the fire, but also played a solid role.───原来此屋的中间分别筑有马头墙,既为了防火,又起到了稳固之作用。