1、It still has positive charge, and there is nothing saying another chloride could not stick to it.───它仍然具有正电荷,不能说明另外一个氯,不能固定在上面。
2、And there is this separation which is a balance of attractive forces because the chloride is net negative and the sodium is net positive, but both of them, regardless of net charge, have electrons.───这里有一个平衡,引力的平衡,由于氯离子带有负的净电荷,钠离子带有正的净电荷,但是它们两个,没有考虑净电荷,电子。
3、So why don't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride?───那么请大家来告诉我亚硫酰氯中,的硫原子应该有多少形式电荷?
chloride charge(意思翻译)
chloride charge(相似词语短语)
1、mercuric chloride───[无化]氯化汞;[无化]升汞;氯化汞,升汞; 二氯化汞
2、hydroxyl chloride───羟基氯化物
3、chloride test───氯化物试验
4、chelerythrine chloride───氯化白屈菜红碱
5、magnesium chloride───[无化]氯化镁
6、chloride ions───氯根离子
8、beryllium chloride───氯化铍
9、cerium chloride───[化] 氯化铈
chloride charge(双语使用场景)
1、It still has positive charge, and there is nothing saying another chloride could not stick to it.───它仍然具有正电荷,不能说明另外一个氯,不能固定在上面。
2、And there is this separation which is a balance of attractive forces because the chloride is net negative and the sodium is net positive, but both of them, regardless of net charge, have electrons.───这里有一个平衡,引力的平衡,由于氯离子带有负的净电荷,钠离子带有正的净电荷,但是它们两个,没有考虑净电荷,电子。
3、So why don't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride?───那么请大家来告诉我亚硫酰氯中,的硫原子应该有多少形式电荷?