1、The tool free latching mechanism has a stationary member (214) integral to the housing and a latching bar (316).───该无需工具的闭锁机构具有与壳体成整体的固定部件(214),以及闭锁条(316)。
2、Stationary binomial process is applied to establish practical load model and resistance model for axial compressed member.───运用静态随机过程模拟,建立了实用的轴心受压构件荷载模型和抗力模型。
3、The method also includes positioning the at least one measurement assembly on the stationary member to facilitate measurements of the clearance gap during operation of the rotary machine.───该方法还包括将至少一个测量组件定位在固定构件上,以有助于 在转动机器的Cao作过程中进行间隙测量。
stationary member(意思翻译)
stationary member(相似词语短语)
2、smallest member───最小成员
3、stationary state───n.(能量上的)定态;(能量上的)[物]定态;[物]静止状态
4、family member───家庭成员;家族成员;家属
5、stationary store───文具用品店
6、re member───vi.记得,记起;vt.记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好
7、audience member───听众
8、council member───理事会委员;议会成员,理事
stationary member(双语使用场景)
1、The tool free latching mechanism has a stationary member (214) integral to the housing and a latching bar (316).───该无需工具的闭锁机构具有与壳体成整体的固定部件(214),以及闭锁条(316)。
2、Stationary binomial process is applied to establish practical load model and resistance model for axial compressed member.───运用静态随机过程模拟,建立了实用的轴心受压构件荷载模型和抗力模型。
3、The method also includes positioning the at least one measurement assembly on the stationary member to facilitate measurements of the clearance gap during operation of the rotary machine.───该方法还包括将至少一个测量组件定位在固定构件上,以有助于 在转动机器的Cao作过程中进行间隙测量。