1、The practical applications of this control system to the hypergolic bipropellant attitude control rocket engines at 30kg and 100kg thrust levels respectively are stated.───说明了该控制XiTong在30公斤级与100公斤级的双组元燃料变推力姿控火箭发动机中的具体应用情况。
2、Rocket motor test shows that the new UDMH/NTO bipropellant can satisfy the requirement of gel propellant of rocket motor design.───发动机试验表明:新的UDMH/NTO双组元凝胶体系能够满足发动机设计对凝胶推进剂的要求。
rocket bipropellant(意思翻译)
rocket bipropellant(相似词语短语)
2、rocket scientist───火箭专家;股市分析高手;行家;<俚>穿梭于金融市场的行家
3、rocket launch───火箭发射
4、publisher rocket───火箭出版社
5、rocket fuel───火箭燃料
6、shadow rocket───影子火箭
7、rocket queen───火箭皇后
8、carrier rocket───n.运载火箭
9、elytra rocket───甲状腺火箭
rocket bipropellant(双语使用场景)
1、The practical applications of this control system to the hypergolic bipropellant attitude control rocket engines at 30kg and 100kg thrust levels respectively are stated.───说明了该控制XiTong在30公斤级与100公斤级的双组元燃料变推力姿控火箭发动机中的具体应用情况。
2、Rocket motor test shows that the new UDMH/NTO bipropellant can satisfy the requirement of gel propellant of rocket motor design.───发动机试验表明:新的UDMH/NTO双组元凝胶体系能够满足发动机设计对凝胶推进剂的要求。