1、Few believe in fusion now, though uranium-powered fission reactors may be coming back into fashion.───尽管核裂变反应堆可能重归流行,但是现在很少有人相信核聚变。
2、By day, Mark Suppes is a web developer for fashion giant Gucci. By night, he cycles to a New York warehouse and tinkers with his own nuclear fusion reactor.───白天Mark Suppes先生是时尚巨头Gucci的网络设计师,晚上他在纽约的一个仓库里制造他的核聚变反应堆。
3、Should have the design of the fusion of fashion and avantgarde design concept, by the Shanghai design team and high-quality goods blanc.───该会所的设计融合时尚和先锋的设计理念,由上海勃朗上设计团队精品打造而成。
fusion fashion(意思翻译)
fusion fashion(相似词语短语)
1、fusion pink───融合粉
2、tribal fusion───部落融合
3、attacker fusion───攻击者融合
4、fusion food───融合菜;无国界料理
6、fugato fusion───fugato聚变
8、inertial fusion───惯性聚变
9、fusion reactor───聚变反应堆,热核反应堆,核聚变反应堆
fusion fashion(双语使用场景)
1、Few believe in fusion now, though uranium-powered fission reactors may be coming back into fashion.───尽管核裂变反应堆可能重归流行,但是现在很少有人相信核聚变。
2、By day, Mark Suppes is a web developer for fashion giant Gucci. By night, he cycles to a New York warehouse and tinkers with his own nuclear fusion reactor.───白天Mark Suppes先生是时尚巨头Gucci的网络设计师,晚上他在纽约的一个仓库里制造他的核聚变反应堆。
3、Should have the design of the fusion of fashion and avantgarde design concept, by the Shanghai design team and high-quality goods blanc.───该会所的设计融合时尚和先锋的设计理念,由上海勃朗上设计团队精品打造而成。