1、However, Mr Kuok also cautioned against the tendency of some Asian tycoons to see hotels as a vanity project.───然而,郭鹤年还对以下这一倾向提出警告:一些亚洲大亨将酒店视为面子工程。
2、But now international interest in London property is no longer the preserve of a handful of peripatetic tycoons.───但是,现在国际上对伦敦地产的兴趣,已不再局限于少数到处游走的大亨。
3、Many tycoons live in the wealthy ghetto of Rublyovskoye Shosse, near Putin's dacha on the edge of Moscow.───许多大亨们都住在莫斯科郊区PuJing别墅附近的卢布廖夫富人区。
4、Aware of how much they have already changed the world through their businesses, computer tycoons can turn into impatient broader reformers.───意识到他们所作所为已经改变了世界后,计算机大亨们都能变成了更加不耐烦的改革家了。
5、Swamped with debt, Oleg Deripaska seemed the most likely of Russia's tycoons to fall victim to the financial crisis a year ago.───于背负大量债务,奥列格•德里帕斯卡 (Oleg Deripaska)曾似乎是最有可能在一年前的金融危机中落MaDe俄罗斯大亨。
6、But, with much of this wealth tied up in horrific stock markets, tycoons are a looking a little more threadbare.───然而,由于大部分财富绑牢在可怕的股票市场,巨富们的外表看起来没那么光鲜了。
7、that a few tycoons have planes, others want them.───份富豪们有了私人飞机,其他的富豪们也想去拥有。
8、it seems that the way prospective tycoons come together is almost random.───似乎未来的巨头往往是偶然地走到了一起。
9、In a country where tycoons are often the children of politicians, Mr Ma stands out.───在一个普遍由政治家的小孩们担任企业巨头的国家中。
1、The diplomats, the royalty, the dodgy tycoons and a raft of celebrities from Charlie Drake to Tony Curtis.
2、In one corner, ex-KGB tycoons are finding that slumps are a greater test of business ability than booms.
3、He is more accessible than most tycoons and is frequently seen dining in the works canteen at Wapping.
4、With the arrival of self-made tycoons such as Stagecoach's Brian Souter, the sway of the old elite may be diminishing.
5、All capitalists are not like the stereotypical tycoons: heartless moguls with cigars, double-breasted suits, and limos.
6、But larger-than-life oil tycoons like McCarthy are long gone, as is the Shamrock Hotel.
7、In fact many Chinese business tycoons I know try to put local efforts together in response to emergencies, like the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and the mudslide disaster in Gansu province in August.
8、Through technical cooperation with tycoons, our company has established a strong scientific research team.
9、The Tycoons: How Andrew Carneigie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J. P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy.
1、triptych bosch───空三联画
2、triptych planning───三联规划
4、roller coaster tycoon───过山车大亨
5、triptych template───三联模板
9、triptych images───三联画图像
1、However, Mr Kuok also cautioned against the tendency of some Asian tycoons to see hotels as a vanity project.───然而,郭鹤年还对以下这一倾向提出警告:一些亚洲大亨将酒店视为面子工程。
2、But now international interest in London property is no longer the preserve of a handful of peripatetic tycoons.───但是,现在国际上对伦敦地产的兴趣,已不再局限于少数到处游走的大亨。
3、Many tycoons live in the wealthy ghetto of Rublyovskoye Shosse, near Putin's dacha on the edge of Moscow.───许多大亨们都住在莫斯科郊区PuJing别墅附近的卢布廖夫富人区。
4、Aware of how much they have already changed the world through their businesses, computer tycoons can turn into impatient broader reformers.───意识到他们所作所为已经改变了世界后,计算机大亨们都能变成了更加不耐烦的改革家了。
5、Swamped with debt, Oleg Deripaska seemed the most likely of Russia's tycoons to fall victim to the financial crisis a year ago.───于背负大量债务,奥列格•德里帕斯卡 (Oleg Deripaska)曾似乎是最有可能在一年前的金融危机中落MaDe俄罗斯大亨。
6、But, with much of this wealth tied up in horrific stock markets, tycoons are a looking a little more threadbare.───然而,由于大部分财富绑牢在可怕的股票市场,巨富们的外表看起来没那么光鲜了。
7、that a few tycoons have planes, others want them.───份富豪们有了私人飞机,其他的富豪们也想去拥有。
8、it seems that the way prospective tycoons come together is almost random.───似乎未来的巨头往往是偶然地走到了一起。
9、In a country where tycoons are often the children of politicians, Mr Ma stands out.───在一个普遍由政治家的小孩们担任企业巨头的国家中。
1、The diplomats, the royalty, the dodgy tycoons and a raft of celebrities from Charlie Drake to Tony Curtis.
2、In one corner, ex-KGB tycoons are finding that slumps are a greater test of business ability than booms.
3、He is more accessible than most tycoons and is frequently seen dining in the works canteen at Wapping.
4、With the arrival of self-made tycoons such as Stagecoach's Brian Souter, the sway of the old elite may be diminishing.
5、All capitalists are not like the stereotypical tycoons: heartless moguls with cigars, double-breasted suits, and limos.
6、But larger-than-life oil tycoons like McCarthy are long gone, as is the Shamrock Hotel.
7、In fact many Chinese business tycoons I know try to put local efforts together in response to emergencies, like the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and the mudslide disaster in Gansu province in August.
8、Through technical cooperation with tycoons, our company has established a strong scientific research team.
9、The Tycoons: How Andrew Carneigie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J. P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy.